13,000 Years in 13 Minutes: Humanities and Sciences as Complementary Aspects of an African Whole




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The Humanities and the Sciences as Complementary Aspects of an African Whole
NYU/IAS Conference on the Humanities
Friday 24 April, 2014
Presenter: Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon
Chair: Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo

Video (Viewable Online) and Secured PDF of PowerPoint Presentation (downloadable) Combo Bundle

Video Duration: 13:25
Secured PDF of Lecture Slides: 67 Slides



Conventional views of the humanities tend to include ancient and modern languages, literature, musicology, philosophy and religion, while a broader conception may include areas such as anthropology, archaeology, area studies, classical studies, communication studies, history, law, linguistics and semiotics, etc. In ancient Africa, however, science, technology, engineering and mathematics were not seen as separate from or at odds with the humanities. From the geometric principles used to build the pyramids to algebra to astronomy, African spiritual systems and systems of deep thought formed the basis upon which scientific inquiry was developed and vice versa. Further, they provided the imperatives which drove STEM forward in diverse directions giving rise to various manifestations throughout the African world.




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